Incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) into Modern Neuroscience
Large Language Models (LLMs) are generative AI models that are able to
produce natural language text interactively with users. By interacting
with LLMs in a programmatic way, there are a variety of data
summarization and extraction processes that can be reliably
automated. We are exploring possibilities of extracting study specific
data for conducting meta-analyses.
In general, we are looking to establish expertise working with this
increasingly popular and transformative technology, so we can
understand how to safely and ethically incorporate it into our work.
reviewer2go: a series of prompts and queries for producing a simple
report of the
criteria from a published paper.
litmining ecosystem: A set of accessible, scalable, and reliable tools for mining the biomedical literature.
biomed-llm-retrieval: This repo is built by our collaborator Alejandro de la Vega (U. Texis at Austin); it uses LLMs to extract annotations from the abstract/texts of biomedical papers, with a focus on fMRI.