Introduction to Python

You can find the course materials here.

The structure of this lesson will be as follows:

  • An introduction : Why Python?

  • An overview of structures and datatypes in Python programming:
    • Python and IPython shells
    • Variables, types, comparisons
    • Logic, looping, and functions
    • Scripts, debugging, and file access
  • An exercise in loading data the “hard way”:
  • Introduction to Data Science in Python:
    • Libraries and the scientific Python ecosystem
    • Loading data the easy way
    • Walking through an analysis

Overview of Python

Requirements: Python, IPython


  • Open the Python shell
  • Declare a simple variable or two (i.e. a = 2)
  • Compare variables
  • Try seeing what we did with “history,” realize we should switch to IPython
  • Demonstrate history, ls, and other useful things
  • Redo the same thing, change the datatypes, keep comparing
  • Introduce lists, loop over values
  • Make decisions based on values in list
  • Write a function containing the loop with conditional
  • Move that into a script
  • Introduce the debugger
  • Write “results” to a file

Loading data the hard way

Requirements: Python, IPython, the Boston Housing dataset and its column names


  • Create an empty script
  • Find where your data file is on disk and write a command to open it
  • Print its contents
  • Determine how your data should be split/parsed
  • Discuss plan for separating the values
  • Demonstrate string splitting and stripping
  • Discuss casting and datatypes
  • Introduce try-except blocks
  • Pick “some” method for storing the rows of data (likely list-of-lists)
  • Load the header data now and agree this format is annoying/not convenient
  • Introduce dictionaries and use them instead
  • Agree there must be a better way
  • Take a break and wait for your day to be saved in the next section :)

Introduction to Data Science in Python

  • (P; 20 min; live coding) Libraries and the scientific python ecosystem
  • (P; 10 min; live coding) Better data management, quick solution w/ pandas
  • load an image with nifti (nibabel)
  • load an atlas (nilearn)
  • extract phenotypic data (pandas)
  • use statsmodel to do an anova
  • visualize a slice (matplotlib)
  • Compute the sum of square (numpy)
  • compute the correlation matrix from the ROI (nilearn)